May 18, 2020
Updated FAQ on the June 23 New York Elections
In response to these unprecedented circumstances, has partnered with the Mayor’s DemocracyNYC Initiative and the NYC Votes/Campaign Finance Board, who have convened a consortium of community-based organizations, good government groups, and advocates to get the word out about voting safely to the hardest-hit communities. Together, we developed a FAQ for the upcoming June 23 New York primary elections:
Are there elections on June 23? I’ve heard that New York’s primary was cancelled.
Yes, elections are happening on June 23! The primary elections previously planned for Congress, state Assembly, and state Senate will be held. In addition, there will be a primary election for one city office: Queens Borough President. The vast majority of New York City neighborhoods will have at least one primary election on June 23.
For now, New York’s Democratic Presidential Primary will occur on June 23, though a recent court decision about this is subject to appeal.
How do I find out if there is an election happening in my area?
Find the elections happening in your neighborhood and see who is on the ballot by entering your address at, which will be available soon. If there is a contest listed for your party and district, that means you have a primary election to vote in!
Can I vote by mail?
Yes, for the primary elections in June Governor Cuomo has issued an executive order allowing any eligible voter to cast an absentee, or mail-in ballot. But you must request a ballot, by completing an absentee ballot application! The form must be completed and submitted by June 16. The completed ballot must be postmarked by June 22.
What is the process for voting by mail?
There are a few steps you need to take to vote by mail in the June election:
- Request your mail-in ballot, by submitting an absentee ballot application by June 16. (This first step is required in order for the Board of Elections to mail you a ballot. Don’t stop here!);
- Receive your absentee ballot at the address you included on the application form;
- Fill out your absentee ballot at home, using blue or black ink; and
- Mail in your completed ballot by June 22 to your county Board of Elections, using the postage-paid envelope you will receive with the ballot and sign the back of the envelope as instructed.
You can also bring your absentee ballot to your borough’s Board of Elections office in person until June 23, but we recommend using the mail so you can stay home and minimize in-person contact.
How do I request an absentee (or mail-in) ballot?
The process is easier than it has ever been. This year, the Board of Elections is mailing every registered voter an absentee ballot application, which you can complete and return to request your absentee ballot. (The application sent to you by mail will include a postage-paid return envelope.)
The application will be mailed to the address listed in your voter registration. If you are away from your home, you can request that an absentee ballot be sent to your current location.
There are other easy ways to request an absentee ballot:
● Online at
● Email a completed application to
● Call 1-866-VOTE-NYC (1-866-868-3692) and request an absentee ballot
● Mail a completed application to your borough’s BOE office
● Fax a completed application to 212-487-5349
You only need to request a ballot once, using one of these methods.
How do I complete the absentee ballot application (or request) form?
Complete the application using blue or black ink. If you wish to vote absentee due to the coronavirus pandemic, you should indicate that the reason is “temporary illness” (the definition of which has been expanded to cover the risk of contracting the coronavirus).
You may request to have your absentee ballot sent to a location other than your home address.
The deadline to request an absentee ballot is June 16.
Will I need to add postage when mailing in my application or absentee ballot?
No. Per an Executive Order from Governor Cuomo, all absentee ballots mailed to voters for the June 23 primary will include pre-paid return postage.
How do I cast an absentee ballot?
Complete the ballot using blue or black ink and follow all the written instructions carefully. You must use the return envelope provided with the ballot and sign the back of the envelope as instructed.
When do I need to send in my ballot?
Ballots must be postmarked by June 22. The ballot mailed to you by the Board of Elections will include pre-paid return postage.
Will I be able to vote by mail in November?
At this time, only voters with an eligible reason (or “excuse”) would be able to vote by mail. Eligible reasons are listed on the request form and include sickness, disability, residence in a long-term care facility, and out-of-town travel. For June, COVID-19 has been deemed an excuse by the Governor. This may be the case in November; we will update this page if this changes.
Can I still vote in person?
Yes. In-person voting is still available, both during the early voting period (June 13 – 21) and on Election Day (June 23). You can find your poll site (which may be different for early versus Election Day voting) using the Poll Site Locator. Ballot marking devices (see below) will be available at all poll sites and Board of Elections offices.
If you want to vote in person, we recommend voting early, if possible, since wait times are expected to be shorter and crowds to be smaller.
What if I cannot read or sign the application or absentee ballot due to disability?
You may make your mark or have your mark witnessed in the spaces provided at the bottom of the application. Please note that a power of attorney or printed name stamp is not allowed for any voting purpose. For more information about voting absentee with a disability, please contact your county Board of Elections.
You may also use a ballot marking device at your local poll site, your assigned early voting poll site, or at a BOE office.
How can I find out if my registration is up to date?
The New York State Board of Elections has a useful web tool to check your voter registration status: The tool will provide your current registered address, party affiliation, and your election districts.
Can I still register to vote on June 23?
May 29 is the deadline to register to vote in the June 23 primary elections. To be eligible to vote in a party’s primary elections in June, new voters must enroll in that political party when registering.
How do I find out if I am eligible to vote on June 23?
You can vote in the primary if there is an election in your district, held by a political party with which you are registered. Check your voter registration status and party affiliation with the voter look up tool from the NYS Board of Elections. Then, use the Poll Site Locator (which will be available soon) to confirm which races are happening in your community. Only voters registered with a party may vote in that party’s primary elections.