October 29, 2013
Great Resource for Manhattanites: MNN’s Race2Represent
Manhattan’s public access television station, Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN), is producing Manhattan-focused election coverage on its stations and its website. MNN’s Race2Represent programming features a series of videos for each Manhattan Council District. These videos highlight issues central to the race, include a statement for each candidate, and present candidate debates cosponsored by the League of Women Voters of the City of New York.
Council District 1 Profile and Candidate Debate
Council District 2 Profile and Candidate Interview
Council District 3 Profile and Candidate Debate
Council District 4 Candidate Debate
Council District 5 Profile and Candidate Debate
Council District 6 Profile and Candidate Debate
Council District 7 Profile and Candidate Interview
Council District 8 Profile and Candidate Debate
Council District 9 Profile and Debate
Council District 10 Profile and Debate